
Calling the Nerdly Folk

Which U.S. city has the nickname 'Chicago of the north'?
What are the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
What is the "Holy See"?
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Who doesn't like to display their random knowledge?! Join us for our first trivia night - co-hosted with Politics & Prose - on Saturday, Feb. 16. The fun begins at 7:30pm.

The fine print: Teams are limited to 5 people, and PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED to the winning teams!


  1. Can't make it on the 16th, but would certainly enjoy it if you hold more of them.

  2. will there be more trivia nights?

  3. YES, we just announced another Trivia Night coming March 23rd!
